Effect of Co Doping on Strongly Correlated Electron Property of Filled Skutterudite Compound PrFe4P12
YANG Hao-zhi, HAO Li-jie, CHEN Dong-feng, ZHAO Chong-de, ZHAO Zhi-xiang, JIAO Xue-sheng
2016, 50(6): 961-965. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2016.50.06.0961
Abstract PDF
Preparation and Ion Exchange Performance of Ion Sieve for Cesium Removal Doped with Tungsten
XIONG Liang-ping, GU Mei, LV Kai
2016, 50(6): 966-972. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2016.50.06.0966
Abstract PDF
Study on Release Behavior of 90Sr, 137Cs and 60Co in NPP Solidified Waste Form
FAN Wen-wen, LIU Tie-jun, BAI Yang, ZHANG Zhi-yin
2016, 50(6): 973-976. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2016.50.06.0973
Abstract PDF
Safety Goal for Radioactive Waste Intermediate Depth Disposal
QIAO Ya-hua, ZHANG Chun-ming, LIU Jian-qin, WANG Liang, YU Shao-qing, PAN Xin-yi, CHENG Li, YE Yuan-lv
2016, 50(6): 977-982. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2016.50.06.0977
Abstract PDF
Study on Radiochromic Property of Diacetylene Gel Composite
WANG Xiao, AO Yin-yong, ZHAO Yan, SUN Peng, HUANG Wei
2016, 50(6): 983-989. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2016.50.06.0983
Abstract PDF
Study on Chromosome Characteristic of Ramie Fiber Aminated by Two-step Preirradiation Graft
TANG Juan, JI Xiao-xia, ZHENG Yong, WANG Rong
2016, 50(6): 990-994. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2016.50.06.0990
Abstract PDF
Modeling and Analysis of Once-through Steam Generator in HTR-PM
LIU Dan, SUN Jun, SUN Yu-liang
2016, 50(6): 995-1001. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2016.50.06.0995
Abstract PDF
Experimental Study on Influence of Crust Formation on Heat Transfer Characteristic in Corium Pool
ZHANG Lu-teng, ZHANG Ya-pei, ZHOU Yu-kun, TIAN Wen-xi, QIU Sui-zheng, SU Guang-hui, MA Wei-min, ZHAO Bo, YUAN Yi-dan
2016, 50(6): 1002-1007. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2016.50.06.1002
Abstract PDF
Instable Phenomenon Analysis of Thimble Tube-type Natural Circulation Loop
WU Xiang-cheng, YAN Chang-qi
2016, 50(6): 1008-1013. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2016.50.06.1008
Abstract PDF
Experimental Investigation of Flashing Instability Induced Water Hammer in Open Natural Circulation System
HOU Xiao-fan, SUN Qiu-nan, FAN Guang-ming, SUN Zhong-ning, LI Wei
2016, 50(6): 1014-1020. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2016.50.06.1014
Abstract PDF
Study on Unsymmetrical Operating Condition of CEFR
LIN Chao, FENG Yu-heng, ZHOU Zhi-wei
2016, 50(6): 1021-1026. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2016.50.06.1021
Abstract PDF
Experiment and Analysis on Dynamic Characteristics of AP1000 PCCWST Regarding Fluid-structure Interaction
LIU Yu, DANG Jun-jie, LU Dao-gang, ZENG Xiao-jia
2016, 50(6): 1027-1033. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2016.50.06.1027
Abstract PDF
Investigation of Bubble Transportation in Venturi-type Bubble Generator
MO Zheng-yu, DU Min, SHAO Zi-yi, XIE Guo, LIU Hong-tao, SUN Li-cheng
2016, 50(6): 1034-1039. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2016.50.06.1034
Abstract PDF
Study on Transient Flow Characteristics of AP1000 Nuclear Reactor Coolant Pump under Exhaust Transit Condition
ZHU Rong-sheng, XING Shu-bing, FU Qiang, LI Tian-bin, WANG Xiu-li
2016, 50(6): 1040-1046. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2016.50.06.1040
Abstract PDF
Coupled Neutronics and Thermal-hydraulics Analysis of Annular Fuel Assembly for SCWR
ZHAO Chuan-qi, WANG Kun-peng, CAO Liang-zhi, WU Hong-chun, ZHENG You-qi
2016, 50(6): 1047-1053. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2016.50.06.1047
Abstract PDF
Startup Characteristics of Heat Pipe Cooled Space Reactor
YUAN Yuan, GOU Jun-li, SHAN Jian-qiang, ZHANG Bin, ZHANG Bo
2016, 50(6): 1054-1059. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2016.50.06.1054
Abstract PDF
Heterogeneous Variational Nodal Method
WANG Yong-ping, WU Hong-chun, CAO Liang-zhi, LI Yun-zhao
2016, 50(6): 1060-1064. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2016.50.06.1060
Abstract PDF
Safety Analysis of Accident-tolerant Fuel during LBLOCA
WU Xiao-li, WANG Yang, ZHANG Ya-pei, TIAN Wen-xi, SU Guang-hui, QIU Sui-zheng, LIU Tong, REN Qi-sen, HUANG Heng
2016, 50(6): 1065-1071. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2016.50.06.1065
Abstract PDF
Probabilistic Assessment of Creep Induced RCS Rupture in Severe Accident
YU Xin-li, ZHU Wen-tao, YANG Xiao-qing, ZHENG Xiang-yang, ZHAN Jia-shuo
2016, 50(6): 1072-1077. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2016.50.06.1072
Abstract PDF
Effect of Molten Material Stratification on Accident Consequence for Small Power Reactor Blackout Severe Accident
YUAN Ming-li, ZHANG Fan, WANG Kun, ZHENG Ying-feng
2016, 50(6): 1078-1083. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2016.50.06.1078
Abstract PDF
Research on Characteristics and Normalization of Buffeting Force in Tube Bundles Subjected to Air-water Two-phase Flow
JIANG Nai-bin, ZANG Feng-gang, ZHANG Yi-xiong, QI Huan-huan, HUANG Xuan
2016, 50(6): 1084-1090. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2016.50.06.1084
Abstract PDF
Rationality Analysis of CEFR Sodium Temperature Change Velocity Limit from Structure Heat Transfer
GAO Fu-hai, MO Ya-fei, LI Xiao-xuan
2016, 50(6): 1090-1094. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2016.50.06.1090
Abstract PDF
Simulation and Analysis on CT Detection of Fuel Pebble Trajectory in High-temperature Gas-cooled Reactor
WAN Xin, LIU Xi-ming, WU Zhi-fang
2016, 50(6): 1095-1100. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2016.50.06.1095
Abstract PDF
Microstructure Distribution Characteristic and Property Analysis of Narrow Gap Welded Joint of P11 Heat Resistant Steel
YANG Qin-zheng, WANG Hai-dong, LI Xiao-yan, WANG Ting, ZHANG Wei-dong
2016, 50(6): 1101-1106. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2016.50.06.1101
Abstract PDF
Study on Preparation Process of Al2O3-B4C Annular Pellet by Gel Casting
PEI Qi-lin, XU Kui, HU Hai-xia, TANG Ming-guo, QIAO Hui-wu, ZHANG Yu
2016, 50(6): 1107-1111. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2016.50.06.1107
Abstract PDF
Neutron and X-ray Reflection Study on Interfacial Structure of CrAlN/TiAlN Nano-scale Multilayer
DU Xiao-ming, WANG Min-peng, WANG Yan, LI Xin-xi, ZHANG Gang, HUANG Chao-qiang, WU Er-dong
2016, 50(6): 1112-1117. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2016.50.06.1112
Abstract PDF
Theoretical Study on Yield of Fission Nuclide after Irradiation of Low-enriched Uranium Target
LIU Zhan-xiang, ZHANG Liang, YANG Yuan-you, LIAO Jia-li, LI Xing-liang, YANG Ji-jun, LIU Shui-qing, JIAN Yuan, LUO Shun-zhong, LIU Ning
2016, 50(6): 1118-1126. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2016.50.06.1118
Abstract PDF
Static Characteristic Calibration of Wire Position Sensor for Position Monitoring in Particle Accelerator
TANG Zheng, HE Xiao-ye, WANG Wei, XU Shao-feng, YAO Qiu-yang
2016, 50(6): 1127-1131. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2016.50.06.1127
Abstract PDF
Study of Spatial Resolution and X-ray Imaging of GEM Detector Based on APV25 Readout Electronics System
JIAN Si-yu, HU Shou-yang, ZHOU Jing, LI Xing-long, LIANG Hao, ZHOU Yi, QI Hui-rong, LI Xiao-mei
2016, 50(6): 1132-1136. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2016.50.06.1132
Abstract PDF
Digital Filter Design in Dosimeter
LIU Zhi-qiang, MA Yan
2016, 50(6): 1137-1141. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2016.50.06.1137
Abstract PDF
Neutron Image Restoration Scheme Based on BM3D frames and Variance Stabilizing Transformation
QIAO Shuang, ZHAO Wei-jing, SUN Jia-ning
2016, 50(6): 1142-1146. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2016.50.06.1142
Abstract PDF
Preliminary Study on Determination Methods for Organically Bound Tritium Activity in Plant Sample
SHEN Hui-fang, HUANG Yu, YANG Hai-lan, LIU Wei
2016, 50(6): 1147-1152. DOI: 10.7538/yzk.2016.50.06.1147
Abstract PDF