
  • 摘要: <正> 铷-87是一种天然放射性核素,广泛分布于自然界中,随饮食进入体内可产生一定的辐射生物效应。在内照射剂量估算时,需测定食品中铷-87的含量。但铷-87的β射线能量低,仅为0.27 MeV,且半衰期长达4.7×10~(10)年,所以利用其β射线进行测定是十分困难的,并且需要与同族核素特别是钾、铯进行繁杂严格的分离。


    Abstract: Ashed food samples are first treated with concentrated HNO_3 and HClO_4 inTrflon Crucible at 200℃, evaporated to dryness, and then H_2O_2 and HF areadded and again the mixture is evaporated to dryness. The residue is dissolved indilute HNO_3 and the resulting solution transfered to a volumetric flask after theaddition of small amount of KNO_3. The solution in volumetric flask is subject to atomic absorption spectropho--tometry and absorbance at 7800 A is measured to give the total Rb, and theamount of ~(87)Rb is calculated from its abundance in natural Rb. With 0.1 g sample using this method, 0.06 μg Rb/ml gives an absorbanceof 0.01. No interference is found from impurities frequenlty found in thesesamples.


