
  • 摘要: 本文描述了用于辐照核燃料元件轴向和径向γ扫描的系统,包括扫描台架、准直装置、探测器及其电子学设备。给出了对金属铀辐照元件轴向和径向扫描的实验结果,包括:1.~(137)Cs,~(95)Zr-~(85)Nb沿元件轴向的分布;2.~(137)Cs沿元件径向的分布和热中子自屏蔽系数的测定值。


    Abstract: A γ--ray scanning system used for nuclear fucl rods discharged from reactoris described, including scanning mechanism. collimators, detectors and electronicequipments. The following experimental results of scanning the uranium fucl rodsare given briefly: 1. the axial distribution of fission products of ~(137)Cs, ~(95)Zr ~(95)Nb and the resultsof the calibration of axial scanning system. 2. the diametral distribution of ~(137)Cs and the results of self shielding factorfor thermal neutron.


