摘要: <正> 皮质醇属甾族化合物类,是肾上腺皮质分泌的重要激素。测定血浆总皮质醇及尿中游离皮质醇的含量,能较确切地反映肾上腺皮质的功能状态,对针刺麻醉原理的探讨、计划生育和中医扶正培本等的研究,以及肾上腺皮质功能亢进和减退等疾病的诊断和疗效观察,都有一定的意义。特别是对皮质醇增多症的诊断,价值更大。本工作拟采用高压液固Abstract: There is only a difference of double bond between cortisol and prednisolone.So it is difficult to separate them. When we use the silica column (0.26×25cm)with a dioxane/CHCl_3 eluent at flow rate of 1 ml/min, cortisol, prednisolone andanother impurities can be separated completely. The detection limit is 10~7--10~(-8)g.When EtOH/CH_2Cl_2 is used as the eluent, the detection limit is 10~(-9)g. A continuous flow radiodetector is used. The liquid scintillation solution isPPO, and the ratio of the column eluent and liquid scintillator is 1:4. The countsof ~3H--cortisol can be measured at an efficiency of about 30%. The detection li-mit is 10~(-8)Ci.