
  • 摘要: 文章针对在核聚变实验中,激光散射诊断技术的多道脉冲光电接收系统的标准,介绍了光电倍增管的几个有关重要性能的检测方法。这些实验包括光电信号的线性、响应速度、光谱响应,增益随电源电压的变化以及绝对灵敏度的校准。对于使用各种光电倍增管来进行定量测量的工作,本实验方法具有一定的普遍性。


    Abstract: The paper reports specially designed experimental methods for calibratingphotomultiplier tubes used in the multichannel fast-pulse-detection systein ofThomson scattering measurements for nuclear fusion devices. The most importantparameters of the photomultiplier tubes to be calibrated include: linearity ofoutput electric signals to input light signals response time of pulsed light, spectralresponse, absolute responsibility, and sensitivity as a function of the chain voltage.The calibrations of all these parameters are carried out by using EMI 9558 Band RCA 7265 photomultiplier tubes respectively. The experimental methodspresented in the paper are common to those quantitative measurements thatrequire photomultiplier tubes as detectors.


