
  • 摘要: <正> 一、引言 4πγ电离室的测量对象通常是溶液状的体源,为了减小源的几何效应和源的自吸收以及源瓶壁吸收对电离电流测量结果的影响,历来采用规格化的测量方法,即按规定的重量(或体积)将源溶液置于规定的容器(一般为玻璃安瓿瓶或青霉素瓶)中进行测量。每测量一只源,均需有这样一次制源过程,既费时又费力。因此发展一种可以对盛于不同直


    Abstract: The direct measurement of radioactive solution with a 4πγ Ionization Chamber,which doesn't require for transfering source solution to the specified container inaccordance with the specified weight, is tried and is successful The method whichis used to perform source geometry correction source solution self-absorptioncorrection and container wall absorption correction for the result of direct measu-rement is given. The uncertainty of ion current goes up from 0.34% to 0.6%because of performing these corrections.


