
  • 摘要: <正> 一、前言 随着分子生物学的发展,核酸、蛋白质等生物大分子的研究工作十分活跃。放射性同位素标记。示踪是分子生物学研究中不可缺少的方法。如用α-~(32)P」dCTP通过缺口转移标记DNA,研究调钙蛋白时用~(45)Ca示踪,研究蛋白质、多肽、激素时用~(125)I标记。这样在


    Abstract: This article describes the adsorptive behavior of Maifanshi for the Iodine,Calcium and dCTP in the solution. Maifanshi has a Comparatively weak ability to adsorb anion Iodine. only 4.5%of Iodine can be adsorbed. However, Its ability.to adsorb Cation Calcium anddCTP is rather strong. adsorptivity is 85% and 92% respectively. The adsoption for the Iodine will reach the equilibrum value in 4.5%hours. The adsorption for the Calcium will reach the peak Volue in 4.5 hours. In the case of the adsorption for dCTP the eguilibrum value will be achievedLin 22.5 hours.


