
  • 摘要: <正> 一、引言在实验技术中,时间-数字变换法出现的较早,也已在核物理实验中有所应用。近10多年来,随着CAMAC和漂移室的出现,时间-数字变换法又得到了新的发展。现在已逐渐应用到其他领域。根据我们的实际需要,研制了一种高分辨的时间-数字变换器。


    Abstract: In the paper a CAMAC quad TDC is described. It converts nanosecond timeintervals into digital signals. It has two ranges: 102ns and 510ns. Each range has2047 counts, the time resolution is 50ps or 250ps respectively and the former maybe changed to 40 ps. The TDC has more CAMAC functions. The principle, blockdiagram, CAMAC functions and features of the TDC are described.


