
  • 摘要: 文章用一个2 1/2维二极管模拟程序,研究了不同形状的无箔二极管在不同电压、不同导引磁场下的电子束输出特性。程序考虑了空间电荷效应,束流自磁场的各个分量及电子的三维运动,并使用了Child-Langmuir发射定律,计算上采用非均匀差分网格。计算结果表明,二极管形状及所加电压和磁场对输出电子束都有很大影响。导引磁场越强,输出束流越大,发散性越小。磁场大到一定程度后,束流不再增加,反而稍有降低。


    Abstract: The output properties of electron beams extracted from different foilless diodes,with different voltages and different guiding magnetic fields, were investigatedby using a 2(1/2)dimensional computer code. The space charge effect, all componentsof the self-magnetic field of beam and three dimensional motions of electronswere considered. The Child-Langmuir emission law was employed and inhomo-geneous difference scheme was used in the simulation. The calculation resultshows that the diode geometry, applied voltage and guiding magnetic field havegreat effects on the characteristics of electron beam. The stronger the guidingmagnetic field is,the greater output beam current, with lower beam divergence,will be obtained. When the magnetic field exceeds a certain value, the beamcurrent no longer increases and decreases at a moderate level.


