
  • 摘要: <正> 一、序言 ~(147)Pm是一种具有2.62 a半衰期,发射粒子最大能量为224.5 keV的软β幅射源(γ发射很弱),有广泛的用途。 ~(147)Pm虽有~(146)Nd(n,γ)~(147)Nd→Pm的生产方法,但其产量有限,成本高。而核裂变产物~(147)Pm——核动力堆的副产物,来源是非常丰富的。 但是,在裂变产物~(147)Pm中除存在~(148)Pm(T_(1/2)=5.4 d)和~(148)Pm之外,还存在一种伴有


    Abstract: The ratios of ~(146)Pm to ~(147)Pm were determined. When the burnups were 1.5×10~4 and 1.7×10~4 MWd/tU, the ratios were 2.6×10~(-6) and 3.0×10~(-6) respectively.The activity of ~(146)Pm was measured with the γ-ray spectra by a Ge (Li) detectorand that of ~(147)Pm with determination of beta particles by a terphenyl scintillationdetector. The samples of Pm in the spent fuel for a power reactor before measu-rement were separated from Sr, Cs, Ce, U, transuranium elements and others withlevextrel chromatography and then from the other rare earth elements etc. withthe HPLC using α-HIBA.


