A series of experiments on both D_2O electrolysis and thermal cycle of deute-rium absorbed Ti Turnings are designed to examine the anomalous phenomenain Deuterium/Solid System. A neutron detector containing 16 BF_3 tubes with adetection limit of 0.38 n/s for two hour counting is used for electrolysis expe-riments. No neutron counting rate statistically higher than detection limit isobserved from Fleischmann & Pons type experiments. An HLNCC--Ⅱ neutron dete-ctor equipped with 18 ~3He tubes and a JSR-11 shift register unit with a detectionlimit of 0.20 n/s for a two hour run are employed to study the neutron signalsin D_2 gas experiments. Different material pretreatments are selected to review thechanges in frequency and size of the neutron burst production. Experiment sequ-ence is deliberately designed to distinguish the neutron burst from fake signals,e. g. electronic noise pickup, the cosmic rays and other sources of environmentalbackground. Ten batches of dry fusion samples are tested, among them, sevenbatches with neutron burst signals occure roughly at the temperature from--100degrees centigrade to near room temperature. In the first four runs of a typicalsample batch, seven neutron bursts are observed with neutron numbers from 15to 482, which are 3 and 75 times, respectively, higher than the uncertainty ofbackground. However, no bursts happened for H_2 dummy samples running in-between and afterwards and for sample batch after certain runs.