
  • 摘要: 一台由散射闪烁体和中子探测器及其屏蔽准直系统、α粒子探测器和相应的电子学仪器组成的双闪烁体快中子飞行时间谱仪已经建立,并在研究D(n,n)D和D(n,2n)P反应中获得了满意的结果,文章介绍了它的工作原理、结构、主要性能和应用。


    Abstract: A double scintillator fast neutron TOF spectrometer are constructed. It consists of alpha counter, scatterer detector, neutron detector, shiclding collimator system and electronics. It are used to measure 15.2 MeV and 13. 6 MeV neutron elastic scattering angular distributions and D (n, 2n) reaction emitted neutron double differential cross sections from deuterium. The principle, apparatus, main performance and applications of the spectrometer are presented in the paper.


