
  • 摘要: 用贝叶斯定理从可分辨共振参数估算平均能级间距。此法充分利用能级间距和宽度分布提供的信息,对测量样本的弱能级丢失做比较精确的修正,因而获得比较好的平均能级间距的估值。我们已完成了S波的计算,并与其它工作进行了比较。


    Abstract: A method for estimating average level sPacing from a set of resolved resonance parameters by using Bayesian approach is given. Using the information given in the distributions of both level spacing and neutron width, the level missing in measured sample can be corrected more precisely so that better estimate for average level sPacing can be obtained in the method. The calculation for S-wave resonance is done, and comparison with other work is carried out.


