
  • 摘要: 单漂移聚束器标准聚束模式要求粒子注入能量和聚束器漂移管的几何尺寸之间必须满足严格的条件,严重地限制了可聚束粒子的种类。文章论述了采用非标准聚束模式的方法,计算不同粒子在HI-13串列加速器上实现脉冲聚束的可行性。


    Abstract: In normal bunching mode of single drift buncher, the injecting energy of ion beam is strictly re-quired to match the length of drift tube. That restricts seriously the bunchable ion species. In the paper.a method, so called "Nonstandard Bunching Mode" is discussed. By this mode, much more ion speciescan be bunched in the same geometry of single drift buncher and in the same ability of the RF powersupply. For HI--13 tandem accelerator, the modulating bunching voltage and the pulse FWHM at thetarget are calculated for various ion species.


