
  • 摘要: 对所研制的硫酸亚铁剂量计(Fricke剂量计)在~(60)Co的γ-辐射场中进行水中吸收剂量测定。测量重复性好于 1%。经过两年多考验,该剂量计仍保持着良好性能。在 40—400 Gy剂量量程范围内,总不确定度为±2.1%(95%置信度)。


    Abstract: Ferrous sulfate dosemeter (Fricle dosemeter) is developed for the measurement of the absorbeddose in water, in ~(60)Co radiation field. The reproducibility is less than 1%, and the long--term stabilityof the dosementer had been examined over two years. The uncertainties caused by possible errors are es-timated, and the calculated total uncertainty is ±2.1 % (95% confidence level) while dose rangingfrom 40 to 400 Gy.


