
  • 摘要: 海关大型货物在线检测用加速器采用 4MW速调管作为微波功率源, 保证加速管入口功率可达 3 5MW、工作频率为 2 85 6MHz;以行波方式加速电子, 聚束器俘获效率大于 80 % 加速管全长约 2 2 0cm 电子能量设置 9、6MeV两档, 对应的额定脉冲束流强度理论设计值分别为 170和30 0mA。本文给出了纵向粒子动力学、盘荷波导的尺寸及加速管的工作特性等方面的计算结果


    Abstract: An accelerating tube is described in this thesis. It is a part of an accelerator used for inspection of vehicle cargoes in rail cars, trucks, shipping containers, or airplanes in customs. A klystron with power of 4 MW and frequency of 2 856 MHz will be applied to supply microwave power. The electrons can be accelerated by a travelling wave in the accelerating tube about 220 cm long, with a buncher whose capture efficiency is more than 80 %. Energy of electrons after travelling through the tube can reach 9 MeV (pulse current intensity 170 mA)or 6 MeV (pulse current intensity 300 mA). Physical design of the accelerating tube, including the calculations of longitudinal particle dynamics, structure parameter and working character is carried out.


