
  • 摘要: 引进SIEMENS的SIGMASYS技术, 研制开发了适应中国市场需求的西格玛系统的中文显示系统。它主要包括 :(1)数据采集接口 (2 )绘图软件包 (3)实时处理和操作系统。数据接口实现与报警控制器及计算机的双重通讯, 同时实现一些如筛选、应答等简单的功能 绘图软件主要是绘制楼层平面图消防设施的具体标识符号和各房间的门牌号码 实时处理和操作系统实现数据通讯, 实时处理火灾报警, 显示设备故障, 处理消防联动信息, 并作记录保存和打印, 可查询楼层平面图、消防设施分布图和消防设备的性质类型, 并根据报警情况给出相应的提示。该系统采用鼠标控制, 按钮式操作, 弹出式窗口提示, 全中文平台。系统界面美观, 操作简单, 灵活可靠


    Abstract: The on line graphics system has been developed with Chinese text based on SIEMENS’SIGMASYS. The main work are data interface, drawing software, real time processing and operating system. The data interface implements communication between SIGMASYS and computer, at the same time, it can receive data, select effective data and return response signals. Drawing software is used for protracting the fire protection architecture plan, it can draw smoke detector, heat detector, fire alarm callpoint, transponder, graphical symbols and so on. Real time processing and operating system completes data collection, fire alarm control, displays the information of fault and linkage, records and prints the information. The system operation provides pull down manus. All of the function blocks are kicked by mouse, in easy and straightforward manner, based on Chinese display environment, beautiful interface, simple and reliable operation.


