
A Profile Fitting Software Package (CPOWDER) and Its Application in Powder Diffraction Research

  • 摘要: 研制了一个由多个峰形拟合程序、蒙特卡罗法分峰程序、背底处理程序、绘图程序、模拟谱图生成程序和半高宽拟合程序组成的X射线和中子粉末衍射峰形拟合程序包CPOWDER, 并将其应用于粉末衍射法结构测定和嵌镶块尺寸及微观应变测定研究中


    Abstract: CPOWDER, a profile fitting software package for powder diffraction pattern, consisting of several profile fitting programs, a Monte Carlo peak separation program, a background determination program, a plotting program, a simulated pattern generating program and a full width at half maximum fitting program, is developed. The package has been applied in crystal structure determination from powder diffraction data, and determination of particle size and microstrain.


