Irradiation-induce Transmittance Change in Transparent MgAl_2O_4 Ceramics
摘要: 镁铝尖晶石透明陶瓷有很高的透过率, 在电子和γ辐照后其透过率急剧下降, 且从无色透明变成茶色透明, 这主要是由于辐照产生了Ⅴ型吸收带的原故。虽然电子和γ辐照的宏观表现相同, 但微观机理却不完全一致。Abstract: Exposure of transparent MgAl 2O 4 ceramics to 60 Co γ rays and to the electrons beam with energy 1.7 MeV introduce decrease of transmittance and change of the color of the transparent MgAl 2O 4 ceramics. They are due to V type absorption centered at 390 nm. Although γ rays and electrons induce the same phenomenon in MgAl 2O 4 ceramics, there is a great deal of difference of the microcosmic interaction mechanism between them. Possible reason for this difference is discussed.