
  • 摘要: 研究开发用于封存核材料的开启型防伪胶粘封记和双帽金属封记工艺及其制品。防伪胶粘封记以 50 μm厚聚脂作基材, 用 10 μm厚永久性粘合剂制作成开启型胶带纸, 每片胶带纸上印刷有“中国国家原子能机构核材料管制办公室”字样、图案及其特有的防伪标识。该封记具有耐高低温、耐酸碱腐蚀、耐水、耐油、耐强辐射等特性。双帽金属封记以铜和不锈钢为材料, 采用自锁技术制作。封记的帽盖上刻有“CAEA”标识和序号。封记帽盖内壁制作了随机图案, 采用数字相机摄取每个双帽金属封记的随机图案, 并存入计算机。研制了识别随机图案的专用软件, 用以识别封记随机图案的真伪。图像识别的平面几何分辨能力达到 70 μm。防伪风险几率好于 0 0 0 6。


    Abstract: Two kinds of double cap metallic seal and an adhesive seal are developed for the purpose of the accounting for and control of nuclear material.Two kinds of double cap metallic seal are made of stainless steel and copper, respectively and the self locked technique is used.The number and the random pattern is carved out side and in side of a cap, respectively, for the seal.The random pattern carved inside of a cap for seal is taken a picture using numeral camera and memorized in computer.Special software is developed for verification of the random pattern memorized in computer.The adhesive seal is made of special adhesive paper for purpose of security, and a special pattern guarded against falsification is printed on seal paper using ultraviolet fluorescent light technique.


