
Calculation of the Neutron Flux Density Distribution in Two Dimensional Hexagonal Fuel Assembly of Light Water Reactor by Transmission Probability Method

  • 摘要: 研究利用穿透概率法求解二维六角形轻水堆燃料组件内中子通量密度分布。子区内中子源采用线性分布, 子区表面通量密度在方向上采用简化 6P1近似。提出了六角形组件周边水隙的处理方法。根据提出的模型, 编制了TPHEX C程序, 并对六角形组件进行了计算, 结果与蒙特卡罗方法计算的结果符合良好。


    Abstract: The paper describes the model for calculating the neutron flux density distribution in two dimensional hexagonal geometry assembly of light water reactor(LWR) by transmission probability method. The source within the meshes is assumed to be isotropic and linearly dependent on x and y coordinates. At the mesh surfaces the constant space distribution and the simple 6P 1 approximation for the angular distribution are considered. The water gap surrounding assembly is also considered. Based on proposal model, the code TPHEX C is encoded and some problems concerned in hexagonal light water reactor assembly are calculated. The calculated results from code TPHEX C and Monto Carlo method are all in good agreement. The TPHEX C code can be used for the hexagonal geometry assembly for LWR.


