
Effects of Thermodynamics Parameters of Steam Generator on the Response Behavior of Leak Detection System for Liquid Metal-cooled Fast Breeder Reactor

  • 摘要: 研究建立了水泄漏引起的钠水反应产物在快堆蒸汽发生器和取样支路传输扩散的一维数学模型, 分析了蒸汽发生器流量、钠温度和取样支路流量对泄漏探测系统响应特性的影响。模型计算和实验结果表明 :蒸汽发生器流量的增加将缩短系统的响应时间, 但却降低了蒸汽发生器钠出口处的氢离子浓度, 使系统探测水泄漏的灵敏度降低 蒸汽发生器钠温度对系统的响应时间影响不大, 钠温升高, OH- 离子的离解速率加快, 探测系统的灵敏度提高 增大取样支路流量可改善系统的响应特性


    Abstract: The one dimension mathematics model is established for the diffusion of sodium water reaction products in steam generator (SG) and leak detection system (LDS) for liquid metal cooled fast breeder reactor. The effects of sodium temperature and flowrate of SG and LDS are analyzed and the useful results are obtained from numerical calculations and experiments in a sodium loop. The results show that increasing the sodium flowrate of SG and LDS, the response time of LDS is decreased, but the sensitivity is lowered. The effect of sodium temperature of SG on the response time of LDS is less than that of sodium flowrate in SD, however, it can make the sensitivity of LDS higher when the sodium temperature is raised.


