
  • 摘要: 研究了氢同位素在材料中多维扩散行为的有限差分计算方法。对二维扩散问题的交替方向隐式有限差分解法进行了推导, 并用数值解和乘积法求出的解析解计算了圆柱体不锈钢样品一次充氘的浓度分布, 两者的计算结果相近。无论是解析方法, 还是数值方法, 多维扩散问题都可以分解为多个较简单的一维扩散问题


    Abstract: The finite difference method is used to calculate the multi dimensional diffusion of hydrogen isotopes in materials. As an example, the two dimenaionl diffusion is numerically analyzed in detail by the alternative directional implicit (ADI) difference method. The distribution of deuterium in stainless steel cylinder once loaded with deuterium is calculated using the finite difference method and the analytic solution of “product” method, respectively, and results are in a good agreement. The multi dimensional diffusion problem can be simplified to some one dimensional ones in either numerical or analytic method.


