Calculation and Measurement for Bremsstrahlung Dose of ~(90)Sr-~(90)Yβ Source
摘要: 对90 Sr 90 Y源半导体辐照效应在线测量系统中所用辐射源与周围物质相互作用所产生的轫致辐射剂量进行了理论计算和实验测量。采用聚乙烯薄膜作吸收材料, 实现了 β与X射线辐射剂量的分离。给出了测量的吸收剂量中X射线辐射剂量的贡献, 并对测量及理论计算中的误差进行了分析Abstract: The 90 Sr 90 Y β source is used to the on line measurement system for irradiation effects. The bremsstrahlung dose of the source is calculated and measured. By adopting a special absorbing material, the contribution of bremsstrahlung dose is acquired. The absorbed dose measurement is performed using LiF TLDs, and the error in the calculation and measurement is presented.