An Adaptive Method for γ Spectra Smoothing
摘要: 分别采用自适应小波方法和传统的多项式拟合移动平滑方法平滑γ射线能谱, 在此基础上, 计算6 0 Co刻度源 1332keV峰的半高宽和2 38U的活度。结果表明 :采用自适应小波方法平滑后的计算结果优于传统方法的结果Abstract: Adaptive wavelet method and multinomial fitting gliding method are used for smoothing γ spectra, respectively, and then FWHM of 1 332 keV peak of 60 Co and activities of 238 U standard specimen are calculated. Calculated results show that adaptive wavelet method is better than the other.