Analysis of Evolution of the Nuclides of ADS
摘要: 研究了加速器驱动洁净核能系统 (ADS)次临界反应堆内核素的演化。分析结果表明 :ADS具有嬗变长寿命核废物的能力。从快堆和热堆的比较可知, ADS的快堆具有输出功率大、长寿命超铀放射性废物的累积水平低、裂变产物对反应堆反应性和能量增益影响小等优点。这些优点在利用U Pu燃料循环的次临界堆中十分明显。对于利用Th U燃料循环的次临界堆, 热堆和快堆都是可以工作的 而对于U Pu燃料循环的系统, 快堆则是较好的选择。Abstract: This work concerns in the evolution of the nuclides in the sub critical reactor of ADS. The analysis results indicate that the long life nuclear waster can be transmutated in the ADS. The comparison between thermal and fast ADS demonstrate that the fast ADS has large power output, less minor actinide production and small fission products poisoning effect compared with thermal system.