Neutron and X-ray Diffraction Studies_on Nd(Fe,Si)_(11) C_(1.5) Alloy
摘要: 用中子衍射和X射线衍射技术对配比成分为NdFe10. 5Si1.5C1.5的永磁合金样品的晶体结构和磁结构进行了研究。测定其为四方的BaCd11型结构, Si元素择优占据 8d替代晶位, C原子进入间隙的 8c晶位。中子衍射结果表明其磁结构为易面结构Abstract: The crystallogrphic and magnetic structures of NdFe 10.5 Si 1.5 C 1.5 alloy are studied by neutron diffraction and X-ray diffraction methods. The crystallographic structure is found to be tetragonal BaCd 11 type, Si atoms occupy the 8 d substitute site, and C atoms enter the 8 c interstitial site. The magnetic anisotropy is found to be easy planar._