
  • 摘要: 利用SHIELD程序研究了中高能质子入射在长 0 6m、直径 0 2m的圆柱形铅靶上的每个入射质子产生的能量沉积。同时计算了靶材料分别为Be、C、Al、Cu、Pb和贫化铀的每个入射质子产生的能量沉积沿轴向分布。计算结果与实验数据符合很好。分别对束流为 10mA、能量为1 5GeV质子点入射、散焦入射散裂靶能量沉积引起的靶内功率密度分布进行了研究


    Abstract: The energy deposition in the target of 208 Pb with the length 0.6 m and the radius 0.1 m induced by proton is analyzed by using the SHIELD code. The results calculated by SHIELD code are in good agreement with the measured data of 1 GeV proton into the Be, C, Al, Cu, Pb and U targets. The maps of power density distribution in the target are obtained with the proton beam intensity 10 mA and the energy 1.5 GeV._


