
  • 摘要: 研制了用于激光印痕研究的Si平面薄膜和刻蚀膜。膜制备的主要工艺采用氧化、扩散、光刻等现代半导体技术, 并结合自截止腐蚀技术。Si平面膜厚度为 3~ 4 μm, 表面粗糙度为几十nm。采用离子束刻蚀工艺, 在Si膜表面引入 2 5μm× 2 5μm的网格图形或线宽为 5μm的条状图形, 获得了相应图形的Si刻蚀膜。探讨了扩散、氧化、腐蚀工艺对自支撑Si平面薄膜的表面粗糙度的影响, 研究了离子束刻蚀参数对刻蚀图形形貌的影响


    Abstract: The research of laser imprint is an important experiment in inertial confinement fusion(LCF). Thin silicon foil with a thickness of 3~4 μm and surface roughness about 10 nm is prepared by oxidation, diffusion, photoetching process and self-stop etching process. Combined with ion beam etching process, the silicon grating foil with chess board and strip pattern is prepared on the silicon foil. The parameters of diffusion, oxidation, etching process are studied to control the roughness of thin silicon foil. And the parameters of ion beam etching process are studied to control the pattern precision of silicon grating foil._


