HI-13 串列加速器框架式电阻分压系统的改造
Improvement of the Frame Type Resistor Divider System-for the HI-13 Tandem Accelerator
摘要: 在HI 13串列加速器上的电阻分压系统中, 以玻璃釉膜电阻替代原合成膜电阻, 电阻阻值稳定, 耐高压性能良好, 提高了HI 13串列加速器的高压性能和运行效率Abstract: The synthetic film resistors are replaced by the glass-glazed resistors on the resistor divider system of the HI-13 tandem accelerator. Resistance value of the glass-glazed resistor is stable and its high voltage performance is satisfactory. Therefore, the new resistor divider system has enhanced high voltage performance and operation efficiency of the HI-13 tandem accelerator._