The Extraction and Retention of Technetium With Irradiated 30 % TRPO-kerosene
摘要: 研究了γ辐照对 30 %TRPO 煤油对Tc萃取性能的影响以及从辐照后的负载有机相中分别用 5 5mol/LHNO3和 5%Na2 CO3 去离子水反萃Tc的性能变化及Tc保留情况。实验考察了辐照剂量及预平衡酸度的影响。结果表明 :辐照剂量对Tc的反萃与保留影响较大 用 5 5mol/LHNO3反萃Tc时, 随着辐照剂量的增加, Tc的分配比降低, 导致反萃级数增加 用 5%Na2 CO3 去离子水反萃时, 辐照剂量增加, Tc的保留量随之增加。辐照剂量为 5× 10 6 Gy时, 萃取的Tc的约90 %以上保留。预平衡酸度对 2种反萃剂的反萃效果影响较小。为了探讨Tc保留原因, 合成了TRPO的酸性辐解产物一烷基膦酸和二烷基膦酸, 并将辐照后 30 %TRPO 煤油 HNO3体系分为碱萃相、水萃相及高沸点产物, 考察了这些组分的影响。高沸点蒸馏残物是引起Tc保留的主要成分Abstract: The effect of γ-radiation on extraction and stripping or retention of technetium by 30 % trialkyllphosphine oxide (TRPO) in kerosene is investigated. Results show that the distribution ratio of Tc does not change remarkably when absorbed dose varies from 1×10 6 Gy to 5×10 6 Gy and pre-equilibrated acidity ranges from 0.5 mol/L to 4 mol/L, and the stripping performance of Tc changes noticeably when 5.5 mol/L HNO 3 and 5 % Na 2CO 3-H 2O are used as stripping agent, respectively. In order to ascertain the reason of retention, some acidic degradation products of TRPO, including phosphinic and phosphonic acids, are synthesized. By lavation with 5 % Na 2CO 3, deioniozed water and vacuum distillation, irradiated 30 % TRPO-kerosene-1 mol/L HNO 3 system is separated into alkali-extracting substance, aqua-extracting substance and high boiling point substance. The influences of these degradation products are studied by adding them into the original extraction system respectively. The results indicate that the component of high boiling point is the main factor causing retention, while others have no apparent influence.