
  • 摘要: 概要综述了催化电解法溶解钚氧化物 (CEPOD)的基本原理、方法和装置。在少量催化剂 (如Ag+)存在下, 用CEPOD法将PuO2 氧化成PuO2 2 +而使PuO2 溶解。该法具有溶解速度快、溶解完全、可批量溶解、室温下无氟 (HF)、低酸 (HNO3)操作等优点, 适用于高温 (950~ 170 0℃ )制备或煅烧过的PuO2 与MOX乏燃料元件的溶解、含钚废料与钚污染废物的浸取和受污染或有害废物的电解破坏等


    Abstract: The principle,method and equipment of the catalyzed electrolytic plutonium oxide dissolution(CEPOD) are described. In the presence of small amount of catalyst (such as Ag +),PuO 2 is oxidized into PuO 2 2+ for dissolution by the electrolytic method. This method has the advantages of quick, thorough, batch dissolution and of working in the condition of near the environmental temperature, no adding of hydrofluoric acid(HF) and low acidity(HNO 3), etc. It is fitted for dissolution of PuO 2 which is prepared or calcinated at high temperature(950~1 700 ℃),for MOX spent fuel element,for leaching plutonium scrap and plutonium-contaminated waste and for electrolytic destroy about contaminated or deleterious waste,etc._


