
  • 摘要: 介绍了一种基于现场可编程门阵列 (FieldProgrammableGateArray, 即FPGA)的新型反应堆保护系统的设计方案, 辅以微处理器作为热备份的冗余, 以实现设备的多样性。系统采用三取二的表决方式, FPGA部分执行主要的保护功能, 并行数据处理和信号传输提高了系统的响应速度, 避免了软件共模故障的发生。微控制器的使用增强了系统的通讯能力, 优化了人机接口界面, 并完成辅助的保护功能


    Abstract: A novel design of reactor protection system (RPS) based on field programmable gate array(FPGA) is introduced. It is aided by microcontroller to achieve a kind of device diversity. The 2 out of 3 voting mechanism is applied. FPGA modules perform the primary protection functions to accelerate the response speed, and avoid the common mode failures in software programming. Microcontrollers are able to enhence the communication ability and man machine interface(MMI), they also accomplish the secondary protection functions.


