
Heat Removed Ability and Its Influencing Factors Analysis on Residual Heat Removed System of 200 MW Nuclear Heating Reactor

  • 摘要: 运用一维流体动力学模型对 2 0 0MW核供热堆余热排出系统的余热排出过程进行数值模拟, 并对该系统的排热能力及其影响因素进行了分析。分析表明 :余热排出系统的空冷器面积和空冷塔高度是影响余热排出能力的主要因素, 主换热器与空冷器间的高度差的影响次之


    Abstract: The 200 MW NHR(nuclear heating reactor) RHRS(residual heat removed system) is numerically simulated by one dimension fluid dynamics model. The heat removed ability of 200 MW NHR RHRS and its influencing factors are analyzed. The area of air condenser and the height of air cooling tower in RHRS are the main factors influencing the residual heat removed ability, the height difference between the main heat exchanger and air condenser is the secondary factor.


