
  • 摘要: 采用液 液脉冲射流技术, 建立了高放废液贮槽气镇器脉冲搅拌系统实验装置。以水和模拟料液为介质, 研究了不同液位条件下气镇器脉冲搅拌系统的几何参数、操作参数及控制条件等, 确定了搅拌效果好、经济、安全的最佳工艺参数。实验结果表明 :气镇器脉冲搅拌器是用于搅拌含有不溶性固体颗粒的高放废液、防止其在贮槽中沉积和板结的安全可靠、免维修的新型搅拌装置


    Abstract: A liquid liquid pulse effluent flow method is developed for high level liquid waste (HLLW) storage tank. Using water and simulative fluid as medium, the optimum technology parameters are established under different condition functions, such as size, operation, control, etc. The results indicate that the pulse effluent flow ballast, used for mixing round the HLLW with indissolvable solid granules and preventing it from sediment and hardening, is a safe, reliable and free maintained new device.


