
  • 摘要: 针对快中子能谱实验测量数据的修正, 开发了FAMS MC蒙特卡罗计算程序, 对 5 9、6 4和1 4 1MeV中子在Be核上产生的次级中子双微分截面的实验结果进行了修正计算, 并与用MCNP蒙特卡罗程序修正的结果进行了比较。用FAMS MC程序进行中子能谱实验测量数据修正得到满意结果。


    Abstract: FAMS MC is a Monte Carlo program for correction on experimental measurement data of fast neutron energy spectrum.The corrections are carried out by FAMS MC program for secondary neutron double differential cross sections on 9Be induced by 5.9,6.4 and 14.1 MeV neutrons. The correction results by FAMS MC program are in good agreement with those calculated by MCNP program. The reliability of FAMS MC program has also been examined.


