
  • 摘要: 概要介绍了微球高压充氢原理及聚苯乙烯塑料微球高压充氢系统。该系统充入压力高达 1×10 8Pa, 并利用调节液氦流速来控制系统温度。利用该系统, 实验研究了高压氢气在低温下的相变行为及球壳材料的低温形变


    Abstract: The paper describes the principle of high pressure gas filling and structure of the system for polystyrene microspheres high pressure hydrogen filling. The pressure is up to 1×10 8 Pa. The temperature of the system also can reach as low as 4.2 K. The experiments aim at the behaviors of high pressure hydrogen and polystyrene microspheres at cryogenic temperature.


