
  • 摘要: 利用北京HI 13串列加速器次级束流线产生的能量为4.17AMeV的6He束对电荷交换反应1H(6He,6Li)n的角分布进行了逆运动学的测量。实验结果与微观计算的比较表明:6Li第二激发态和6He的基态都具有晕结构。本工作首次证实了K.Arai等1995年提出的6Li第二激发态具有中子 质子晕结构的理论预言。


    Abstract: The angular distributions for charge exchange reaction of 1H(6He, 6Li)n are measured in inverse kinematics with a secondary 6He beam at the energy of 4.17 A MeV producedbythesecondarybeamfacilityatHI13tandemaccelerator,Beijing.Thecomparison between experimental results and theoretical calculation indicates that both the ground state of 6He and the secondary excited state of 6Li have halo structure. The present work reveals the neutronproton halo structure in the secondary excited state of 6Li predicted by K. Arai et al for the first time.


