
Calculation and Assessment of the Stress Intensity for the Main Vessel in China Experimental Fast Reactor

  • 摘要: 概述了中国实验快堆(CEFR)堆容器应力强度的计算与评定过程,重点介绍了在计算与评定中遇到的等效热导率、温度场热应力计算、热冲击计算、套管接管力施加及复杂结构的粗细网格过渡等设计中需解决的问题。计算与评定结果表明:CEFR堆容器的应力强度满足《ASME规范》和《核电厂抗震设计规范》(GB50267 95)要求。


    Abstract: The paper is concerned in the calculation and assessment of the stress intensity for main vessel in China experiment fast reactor(CEFR), and introduces stressly the new problems and methods related to the design, such as the assessments of class1 conponents and hightemperature vessel, the calculations of the equivalent thermal conductivity, the temperature field and thermal stress, thermal shock, the cannula's load stress, and the gridding transition of the complex structure etc. The calculated results show that the stress intensity of vessel in CEFR meets the requirements of ASME code.


