
Conceptual Design of Super-conducting Booster for HI-13 Tandem

  • 摘要: 为了进一步扩大超过库仑位垒的重离子种类,HI 13串列加速器升级工程计划在串列加速器的后面增设一套超导增能器。本工作给出了该增能器的束流动力学设计。该增能器是由放在一低温柜内的4个QWR谐振腔组成,其设计目标是:频率为108MHz、同步粒子速度β=0.07时的能量增益可达到2MeV/q。


    Abstract: The conceptual design of superconducting booster for HI13 tandem accelerator upgrading project is described in this paper. In order to extend the region of stable and the radioactive ion species with energy higher than Coulomb barrier, a booster following the tandem accelerator is planned to build, which is composed of four quarter wave resonators (QWR) in one cryostat. The design goal of the booster is to have an energy gain of 2 MeV/q, at the optimum β=0.07 and frequency of 108 MHz. The detail results of design and calculation of the phase space matching between tandem and linac are given in the paper also.


