
  • 摘要: 抑制噪声对于改善60Co集装箱检测系统(TC SCAN)图像质量有着十分重要的意义。本工作在分析辐射图像噪声特点的基础上,运用小波分析的方法,对扫描图像进行了降噪处理,既有效地去除了统计噪声,又较好地保持了图像的细节,取得了优于传统滤波方法的效果。


    Abstract: It is important to restrain noise for improving the image quality of 60Co container inspection system(TCSCAN). After analyzing the characteristics of noise, the method of wavelet analysis is applied to remove noise from radiant images. Not only the statistical noise is wiped off,but also the details of the images are preserved commendably. The experiment results show that the denoising method is better than traditional ones. 


