Development of Portable Neutron Measurement System
摘要: 研制了小型中子探测系统,并进行了性能测试和应用研究。系统主要由屏蔽式中子探头、中子分析仪和控制微机(数据获取软件)组成,体积小、质量轻、性能稳定、自动化程度高,能进行长期自动测量。该系统可广泛应用于核保障领域核材料的非破坏性分析(NDA),特别适合核材料现场核实测量。Abstract: The paper describes the development of a portable neutron measurement system,followed with its capability test and application study. The system consists of neutron detector, analyzer and data acquisition software. With the characteristics such as small light body,stable performance, it is suitable for nondestructive assay for safeguards, especially for measuring nuclear materials in site.