
The Nuclear Emulsion Measurement and Image Processing System Based on Universal Serial Bus

  • 摘要: 简要介绍采用通用串行总线(universalserialbus,USB)系统组成的核乳胶观测和图像处理系统。该系统采用了简练的硬件设计和完善的软件处理,可极大提高观测效率和精度,尤其适用于高能、超高能重离子碰撞的事件。


    Abstract: The article presents a measurement and image processing system of nuclear emulsion based on universal serial bus (USB). The fast Fourier transformation and Mallta algorithm are used for image processing, which effectively improves the resolution of nuclear emulsion images. With its higher efficiency and accuracy the system is proved to be useful for the collision events of high and ultra high energies heavy ions.


