
Observer Based on Sliding Mode Variable Structure for Synchronization of Chaotic Systems

  • 摘要: 将滑模变结构状态观测器方法用于混沌系统的同步,该方法不需要计算Lyapunov指数。该观测器摒弃了对系统的参数变化适应性不强的传统的利用反馈矩阵进行极点配置的线性反馈,采用了对系统参数摄动鲁棒性更好的变结构控制,其对混沌系统的噪声和参数失配鲁棒性更强。该同步策略被用于熟知的R ssler混沌系统和超混沌R ssler系统,仿真结果证实了该方法的有效性。


    Abstract: In the paper an approach, based on the state observer of sliding mode variable structure, is used for synchronizing chaotic systems. It does not require either the computation of the Lyapunov exponents, or the initial conditions belonging to the same basin of attraction as the existed approaches based on the state observer for synchronizing chaotic systems. The approach is more robust against noise and parameter mismatch than the existed approaches based on the state observer for synchronizing chaotic systems, because the former uses variable structure control, which is strong robust with respect to noise and parameter mismatch in the error dynamics, the later uses an appropriate choice of the feedback gain. Two wellknown chaotic systems, a chaotic Rssler system and a hyperchaotic Rssler system are considered as illustrative examples to demonstrate the effectiveness of the used approach by numerical simulations. 


