
  • 摘要: 基于等离子体的爆炸发射模型,用自洽的2 1 2维胞中粒子(PIC)模拟方法研究了磁场对强脉冲磁绝缘离子二极管性能的影响。给出了外加磁场为0~2Bcrit、二极管峰值电压为300kV情况下,二极管间隙中电子和质子的轨迹、二极管束流Id、阴极发射电子在阳极上损失的电子流密度je和在阴极引出质子束流密度jp随时间的演变过程。讨论了磁场对虚阴极、二极管阻抗和二极管能量转换效率等的影响。


    Abstract: Based on plasma explosive emission model, the self c onsistent and 21/2 dimensional electromagnetic particleincell code is employed to simulate the characteristics of a magnetically insulated ion dio de for intense pulsed ion beams. The trajectories of electrons and protons in th e anodecathode gap of the diode, the timedependence of the diode current I d, the electron loss current density to anode je and the extracted pro ton current density jp are presented at externally insulating magnetic fie ld in the range of 2Bcrit and the maxiumum diode voltage of 300 kV. Th e effects of the magnetic field on the virtual cathode, the diode impedance as w ell as the overall ion current efficiency of the diode are discussed.


