
Identify Four 8~+ States in ~(80)Kr Nucleus Within Microscopic Approach

  • 摘要: 应用微观sdIBM-2+2q.p.方案,计算了80Kr核的基态带、γ带和部分高自旋态能谱,计算值与最新实验结果符合得较好。方案指认8+3态很可能分属基态带、两中子和两质子准粒子态,而2和8+1、8+8+4态则属于γ带,并都获得最新实验结果支持。计算表明:核的一个玻色子突然拆对不会明显改变前后状态。讨论了两准粒子顺排态能量及其指认问题。


    Abstract: Using microscopic sdIBM-2+2q.p. approach, the level s of the groundband, γband and twoquasiparticle band for 80Kr n ucleus are calculated. The data obtained show agreement with the recent experime ntal results. The model identifies that the 8+1 state, 8+2 state, and 8 +3 state maybe belong to the ground state band, quasineutron and quasipr oton band, respectively, while the 8+4 state is a member of γband. The th eoretical calculations indicate that no the distinct change of nuclear state is caused by the abrupt broken pair of a boson. The problem of the energy and the i dentification of twoquasiparticle band are discussed yet.


