
Self-consistent Calculation for the Transport of Intense Pulsed beams in Axial -symmetrical Electrostatic fields

  • 摘要: 为计算强流脉冲束在轴对称静电场六维相空间中的传输,设计了一个计算程序。此程序可以计算由漂浮空间、三圆单筒透镜、三膜片单透镜、双圆筒透镜、静电加速管组成的离子光学系统。为了得到强流束传输的自洽解,程序采用了迭代过程。用此程序计算了300kV强流脉冲束加速器的光路,所得结果合理。


    Abstract: A program for calculating intense pulsed beams tran sp ort in axialsymmetrical electrostatic fields is designed. The program can calc ulate beam optical systems consisting of the following elements: drift spaces, t hreecylinder einzel lenses, threediaphragm einzel lenses, AC electrostatic a ccelerating tubes, as well as twocylinder lenses. In the calculations, the eff ective fields of each lens are divided into several small intervals, and each in terval is treated as a uniform accelerating field, each dividing point is consid ered as a thin lens, and iterations are used to get selfconsistent solutions. Iteration procedures are incorporated in the codes to get selfconsistent solut ions.


