• 摘要: 介绍了MCNP和ORIGEN耦合程序系统MCBurn的理论模型,选取了一个压水堆栅元燃耗计算基准问题(3种燃耗深度)对MCBurn进行验证。结果表明:MCBurn关于反应性和核素成分的计算结果与实验测量值和其它程序的结果符合良好,且MCBurn在某些计算结果、参数选择确定方式和程序自动执行等方面优于类似国外程序。


    Abstract: The paper describes the theoretical models of coupl in g MCNP and ORIGEN--MCBurn. A PWR pin cell benchmark burnup calculation probl em of 3 burnup cases is used to verify MCBurn. It is concluded that the result s of MCBurn on reactivity and isotopic compositions are in good agreement with t hose obtained from measurement and/or calculated by other codes. Moreover, MCBur n is superior to the similar codes such as MOCUP or Monteburns as far as some of calculating results, the parameter choice and determination as well as the program automatic run are concerned.


