
The Effect of Nuclear Heating on Material With Different Enrichment of ~(235)U in Research Reactor

  • 摘要: 以中国先进研究堆(CARR)为研究对象,就采用不同235U富集度的燃料对堆内燃料区和非燃料区核发热的影响进行了分析。分析结果表明:不同235U富集度的燃料对燃料区影响极微。对非燃料区占核发热主要份额的γ光子热按来源进行了分类,并以CARR堆冷源的冷包为例,从理论分析和程序(MCNP)计算两方面进行了探讨。


    Abstract: The effects of nuclear heating on material in both fu el regions and nonfuel regions are analyzed with different enrichment of  235U in China advanced research reactor (CARR). The results show that the heating effect in fuel regions can be neglected. In nonfuel regions, the γ he ating which is the main contribution of nuclear heating is classified in differe nt original sorts and analyzed by both theoretical analysis and MCNP calculation s with the example of CARR cold neutron source moderator cell.


