Design and Fabrication of Metal/Dielectric Multi-layers for the Suppression of Slow Scintillation Component of BaF_2
摘要: 利用BaF2闪烁光快、慢成分处于不同波段的性质,设计出了具有特定带隙的膜系结构,用于抑制发射光谱中的慢成分。在保证快成分具有一定透过率条件下,实现了对BaF2闪烁光慢成分的全方向抑制,使晶体的快慢比得到很大提高。从膜系γ射线辐照损伤的结果可知:辐照对膜系透射带和截止带的影响不大,辐照后的膜系仍能满足抑制要求。Abstract: The fastest inorganic scintillators--BaF2 has f as t and slow scintillation components. The intensity of the slow scintillation com ponent is 4~6 times higher than that of fast one, so tremendous signal pileup i s ineluctable under the condition of high counting rate. In order to enhance the fastslow ratio in the scintillation spectrum of BaF2, a metal/dielectric mu ltilayer is designed and fabricated to suppress the slow scintillation compone nt by taking full advantage of the property that the fast and slow components ar e in different wavelength regions. The experimental result shows that the multi layers can enhance the fastslow ratio very much, γradiation damage tests with total doses of 0.1 MGy show a small effect on the multilayers.